Barn y wasg

“Oherwydd y golygu gofalus . . . gan David Powell, cafodd y gwyliwr gartref holl rin a mwyniant yr Eisteddfod.”

Y Cymro


“Rhaid imi dalu teyrnged i’r safon uchel a gynhaliwyd (yn Pawb â’i Farn) dros gyfnod mor hir.”

Gwilym Roberts, Liverpool Daily Post


“Y mae rhaglenni Gwlad y Gân wedi gosod safon newydd mewn teledu cerddorol.”

Liverpool Daily Post


“Y mae Gwlad y Gân yn datblygu yn fwyfwy caboledig heb golli dim o’i swyn.”

John Whitehead, Bristol Evening World


“Deil Amser Te (TWW) mor boblogaidd ag erioed gyda chynulleidfa eang.”

Perspex, Caernarvon & Denbighshire Herald


“Cymerir yn ganiataol bron, erbyn hyn, y llithrigrwydd a’r gyfaredd a ddaw o Bontcanna.”

Holyhead Mail


“O’r hyn a gynigiwyd gan y ddwy sianel, eiddo TWW a wnaeth yr argraff orau o ychydig arnaf i.”

Western Mail
(am y rhaglenni Gŵyl Dewi)

What the papers say

“Careful film editing … by Dave Powell meant that the viewer at home had all the enjoyment of the Eisteddfod.”

Y Cymro


“I must pay tribute to the high standard they (Pawb â’i Farn) set for such a long period.”

Gwilym Roberts, Liverpool Daily Post


“The Land of Song series have set a new standard in television musicals.”

Liverpool Daily Post


Land of Song becomes more and more polished without losing any of its charm.”

John Whitehead, Bristol Evening World


Amser Te (TWW) maintains undiminished its popularity with a wide audience.”

Perspex, Caernarvon Of Denbighshire Herald


“Smoothness and charm of production one has almost come to take for granted from Pontcanna.”

Holyhead Mail


“Of the two channel offerings, I am a little more impressed by that of TWW.”

Western Mail
(on St. David’s Day programmes)